Ms Chocaholic with lots of opinions and an attitude

Saturday, June 12, 2010

While I was sleeping....

On May 31st Israeli commandos raided a ship carrying aid destined for Gaza in international waters. Nine killed. Details on various news site: Reuters, New York Times

With my inexplicably strong empathy and allegience to the Jewish people, I have always mostly been a supporter of Israel, but with this latest incident, I find my support more than wavering.

Archie Comics introduced a new character - gay Kevin Keller! (I didnt even realise they still have Archie Comics. Well, it is just one of those things that you stop paying attention to, and you assume it ceased to exist? Used to read them in my teen years - absolutely loved it!
From the Archie Comics website:

On September 1st, Kevin Keller, Archie Comics' first openly gay character, will be welcomed into the town of Riverdale.

"The introduction of Kevin is just about keeping the world of Archie Comics current and inclusive. Archie's hometown of Riverdale has always been a safe world for everyone. It just makes sense to have an openly gay character in Archie comic books," stated Archie Comics Co- CEO, Jon Goldwater.

Good on them :)

And finally, cant exactly claim this happened while I was sleeping, on the contrary, while I was wide awake (and likely to be going without sleep for most of it): the FIFA World Cup 2010 kicked off on June 11th! Of course this event will get its own separate post(s) in ensuing days :) My Oranje shirt is ready....but I now realise what I should have bought is Oranje scarves and jackets! given how cold it is in Sydney these days.


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