Ms Chocaholic with lots of opinions and an attitude

Sunday, June 05, 2011

The answer is 42

So while I was busy breaking my leg, it meant I didnt pay tribute properly to the brilliant Douglas Adams. But then again, unlikely I would have carried a towel around all day :) This year I just decided to wrap one around my left foot semi-permanently instead!

Fans of DNA (Douglas Adams as he is referred to by many) will talk about how the books changed their lives. I wouldnt claim to be such an avid fan, but have to admit over the years I find myself borrowing his words a fair bit. Even if to only use some of his book titles, but why not! Who amongst us has never thought of and pondered questions such as 'Life, the Universe and Everything', and who amongst us had not had the occasion to say to people in their lives: 'Thanks for all the Fish'.

Many will also have lots to say about his brilliance as a scientist - so much so that there is a book dedicated to mathematical reasons why DNA might have chosen '42' as the ultimate answer to 'life, the universe and everything'. I wont even pretend to understand any of that talk about using what base of mathematical number to arrive at why 6 times 9 is not 54 :)

In fact, not having grown up in the UK or knowing about western literary work, I had no idea of who Doug Adams was until a couple of years after his death! The very first book I read by him was actually his last book 'Salmon of Doubt'. Interestingly, the book is a collection of all his otherwise unpublished articles - recent ones, but also going back to the days when he was still a high school boy. His talent and clever wit shone through already since then. I think I finished reading the book in 2 days (a record at that stage in my life..with all the other work pressures).

After that book, I was on a quest. A quest to read the unconventional '5-book-trilogy' (If it were normal Hollywood movie, that would have been the sequel after sequel that just refuse to go away - but in the case of the Hitchhiker, no complaints :)

Analyse it, dont analyse it - whatever works for you. But if you need a bit of humour in your life, do read the books. If nothing else, there will be something on every couple of page that should make you smile :)

Exactly 10 years after his death, and he is still remembered with fondness by so many around the world. Me included.

So, 'thanks for all the fish' Douglas!

ps. ohh and all you new gen iphone, ipad, ipod lovers - DNA was a big big Mac fan, so there you go ;)


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